2010年7月24日 星期六
2010年7月23日 星期五
introduction to volunteers- Jill
Name: Jill Liao
Department: Foreign Language and Literature
Hobbies:Music, learning language, hanging around with friends
Reflection as a volunteer:
The biggest motivation for me to be a volunteer is to see the radiant smiles of people. Through volunteer project, I have the chance to get along with people from different background. I'm deeply moved by their persistence toward doing the right thing and passion toward making the world a better place. Besides, I have the opportunity to experience a exotic culture from different viewpoint, instead of from the book, or from the word of mouth. I hope that in the near future, I can exert my efforts and impact to influence the world and spread the joy of helping others. =)
GLNP DIARY-siti rahayu
Siti Rahayu
salah satu aktifitas kami di I-DO CAMP adalah trakking ke hutan TNGL.Di sana saya sangat senang sekali,karena saya dapat menikmati pemandangan yang bagus dan udara yang sangat segar.
Di dalam hutan kami banyak menemukan berbagai jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dapat di buat jadi obat
GLNP diary-Putri Febrina
putri febrina
Kemarin pada saat di Gunung Leuser saya banyk melihat jenis-jenis tumbuhan yg jarang saya lihat salah satu nya Medang Semut, dan kulit nya bisa di gunakan untuk obat anti nyamuk.
Setelah puas jalan-jalan di hutan saya mulihat orag utan yg bernama pesek bersama dgn anak nya yg digendongnya.
GLNP diary-ibnu fajar
ibnu fajar
Pada saat saya tracking di TNGL,saya melihat banyak sekali tanaman-tanaman yang belum pernah saya temui,seperti pohon pandan yang tinggi dan di daunnya terdapat duri-duri yang sangat tajam,saya juga melihat medang semut yang bisa di jadikan anti nyamuk,di kulit batang medang semut,terdapat banyak bintik-bintik hitam yang mirip seperti semut,mungkin karna itu lah tanaman itu di sebut medang semut.
Saya juga melihat air terjun
GLNP diary-Bryan Adams
GLNP diary-Ria purwasih
Ria Purwasih
Yesterday afternoon I and my friends went to the jungle and we have two a guide. We climb the mountain together. Im very happy because I can see the Orang Utan. Many flora and fauna. Dont forget we take many future AS; Orang Utan,flowers,small Ant and Ect.
And we went with our friends from Taiwan There are ChuChu,Winnie,and Yuson. And two a guide there are Mr. Indra and I forgot
GLNP diary- Chandra adhitya
chandra adhitya
saya akan menceritakan pengalaman ketika berada di I-DO CAMP
yesterday afternoon I and my time Treking in RAIN PORES
and Im see orang utan,, black gibon very happy..?
chuchu .yuson.and winnie always GIVE her SMILE EVERY TIME -For ME..he.he..he.????
GLNP diary- sherly ramadani
Yesterday,we are treaking in the jungle, any flora and fauna we saw in the junglIam very happy because can to see orang utan nearer , in the jungle any flora as flower,jungle fruits,have big trees and small trees,i feel the view is so beautiful, I want we must peel our jungle,in the jungle I see orang utan her names is minah she is making a house on the tree,
GLNP diary-m.haris sahputra
GLNP diary-krisna wati syahputri
Krisna wati syahputri
pada saat aktivitas saya mengikuti I-DO CAMP yaitu adalah trecking . Itu adalah kegiatan yg sangat meyenangkan , Dan telah mendapatkan banyak ilmu dari hutan itu . Kami menemukan berbagai macam buah yg bisa untuk menjadi obat-obatan . Dan banyak macam pohon yg belum saya temukan .
GLNP diary risna suriani ningsih
GLNP diary-Ellysa
Salah satu aktivitas kami di I-DO CAMP adalah trecking,yaitu suatu kegiatan yang bisa di katakan menjelajah hutan.Trecking kami lakukan kemarin pada cuaca yang lumayan panas dan cuaca itu membuat kami cepat lelah.Tapi saya juga nggak berharap hujan sih,hehehe.
Banyak jenis flora dan fauna yang kami jumpai saat trecking.Salah satu flora yaitu,pakis raja yg bisa kita gunakan untuk memupuk sayuran.selain itu,kami juga melihat 3 ekor orang utan,yang bernama sasa,pesek dan anaknya ya saya tidak tw namanya.
GLNP diary-rendi ramanda
Rendi ramanda
Di hari pertama ketika kami semua dari peserta dari I-DO Camp kami langsung di sapa oleh para mahasiswa dari taiwan. Kami di ajak untuk registrasi, dan kami langsung berkenalan oleh mereka. Sangat mengasikkan bagi saya bisa mengenal mereka semua, kemudian kami diajak untuk trekling ke GNLP. Bukan hanya cuaca yang mendukung kami tetapi juga semangat besar kami .
Awal perjalanan kami mulai pukul 13.30 menuju ke GLNP.
GLNP diary-nyoman bobi
nama ;nyoman bobi
saya meliat orang utan, yang sangat ageresif ,yang ber nama
dan juga yang belum kering. Saya meliat buah yang sudah di makan sama binatang contohya:
GLNP Dairy-Dara Kartica
Awal dari kegiatan camp I-DO yang pertama kali ialah kegiatan pembukaan cam I-DO yang berisi kata-kata sambutan dan ucapan selamat datang untuk kami,peserta I-DO camp.Baik dari guru-guru pembimbing maupun kakak-kakak dari Taiwan dan CDOC.Setelah kegiatan pembukaan selesai kami mengadakan permainan.Lalu kami tracking to the jungle.
GLNP diary-Dian
GLNP diary-Sri Ayu Ramalinda
Sri Ayu Ramalinda
Kemarin aku beserta teman-teman ku Trekking mengunjungi Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser, aku sangat senang sekali..... di sana aku banyak melihal aneka Satwa, seperti Toke,Orang Utan,Semut, dan banyak lagi lainya.
Dari itu, aku mendapat pengalaman yang sangat luar biasa dan ilmu pengetahuan yang sebelumnya tidak di ketahui. aku sudah tidak sabar untuk berbagi pengalaman kepada teman-teman di sekolah nanti.
Jadi nggak sabar nie Nunggu hari esok....!!
GLNP diary-wahyu diansyah
Name:Wahyu Diansyah
At first time when I started my trekking bewith my friends from Taiwan,i was so happy.
I could learn So many thing about tropical rainforest there.But I was rather sad when they used Taiwan language,because I can't speak Taiwan exactly.I want to know about Taiwan,culture,food,etc.I proud of Taiwan,firstly when I wacthed a video about it,i felt happy.
I love indonesia,i love Taiwan.i want this program will be continue for next time,Not for me,but also for everyone.
GLNP diary-Diah
Name : Diah Ratnasari
Saya akan menceritakan tentang perjalanan kami kehutan Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser
ketika kami diperjalanan kami meliahat seekor toke yang berada dipohon kami mendekat selangka demi selangkah dan ketika kami mendekat tokek itu pun kabur kami pun melanjutkan perjalanan kami menjumpai pohon damar yang sudah berusia ratusan tahun.
Tak lama kemudian kami sampai di proyek.
[Teaching] Sharing & feedback
[sharing time]
Q1. How do you feel about the super microphone/internet?
Q2. How can we use it ?
Group 1
utk menyalurkan/ sebagai penghubung suara kita kpd dunia
google earth , email , facebook
Group 2 :
dpt menyalurkan inspirasi , info dan memudahkan kita berkomunikasi dgn org lain dan dunia kabel data internet dan satelit
Group 3 :
alat komunikasi seluruh dunia
google earth , yahoo , facebook
Group 4 :
mengetahui info dr luar negara (fakta + opini) , menginformasikan negara kita kpd dunia
website , email , facebook
Group 1 : sgt menarik , mengetahui n mendalami ilmu internet. Sgt berharga
Group 2 : publikasi kpd org lain ,terutama sekolah n luar sekolah
group 3 : menyenangkan , ilmu baru yg bermanfaat bg kami , learn sth new
group 4 : membuat kami mengetahui cara pengunaan internet n mengenalnya.
Learn something new
2010年7月21日 星期三
Introduction to volunteers~ A-ming
稱呼:王尊民 (阿民)
嗜好: 旅行
志工信念:「我將用盡我一百萬份的活力,完全投注在這次的營隊活動中! 快~讓我們一同為與保護紅毛猩猩努力吧!」
Name: Ah Ming
Department: Material Science and Engineering
Societies: Tai Ji Societies
Habit: trip
Belief of volunteer: “I will do my best in our camp, and pay more vitality to everyone. Come on, let’s do something for orangutan.”
Introduction to volunteers~ Ivy
興趣:啖 美食、旅遊、羽球、閱覽DM、聽廣播
志工感想:能夠再度前往印尼真是 令我開心,但是深入雨林的挑戰不容易,一整學期的準備也很不容易@@”。希望在行前課程培訓跟教案籌劃的過程中,也期待前往印尼的營期中,跟團隊夥伴們一 起施展成效、創造美好革命情感
Name:Ivy, Teng
Major:Foreign Language and Literature
Hobby:Tasting delicacies, travelling, Badminton, browsing DM, listening to the radio
Club Experience:NCTU Folkdance Club, Youth Leadership Club
Want to say:I’m really excited to be able to go to Indonesia again. This time, however, is more challenging since we’re heading into the rain forest; and a whole-semester training is uneasy as well.@@” I hope I and my team members can contribute our best and cultivate a revolutionary friendship together during the preparation as well as the period in Indonesia!
Introduction to volunteers~ Helen
社團經驗:文服99副團長 焦點POP廣告研習社教學
興 趣:聽流行音樂、參與戶外活動
簡介:我喜歡幫助別人、鼓勵別人,看到對方臉上的 微笑,心裡總是感到很開心、很滿足而且很有成就感。
Name:Chia-Ping, Liu
Department:senior of Management Science in National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Club Experience:Fundamental Culture Service Club 、Pop Club
Interest:listen to the popular music, join in outdoor activities
personality:optimistic、 responsible、like to make friends
Introduction:I like helping people in need out and giving them moral support. I always feel happy and satisfied when I see the big smiles on people’s face.
Introduction to volunteers~ Yuson
我 的夢想是能夠當個平凡快樂的有錢人,周遊列國都不用煩惱錢的問題。但我發現了一件事,那就是心靈的富有比物質的富有更為重要,於是開始了一段我與「交大印 尼國際志工」的故事…
Name: Yuson Liao
Apartment: Institute of Management of Technology
Habit: Volleyball, Eating cuisine, Sleeping
Reflection: My dream is to be a common, happy-living, and rich person who is able to travel around the world without worrying about the money. However, now I realized that something is much more important than the satisfaction brought by material pleasure. That is, how I began my story with 「NCTU International Indonesian Volunteers」program…
I hope I can bring my optimism and energetic personality to our team members and those kids in Indonesia. Besides, I expect to give and devote everything I’ve learned and known to those in need!
Introduction to volunteers~ Shuman
姓名: 黃舒縵
系級: 資訊與財金管理學系 大二
興趣: 聽音樂、學習新事物。喜歡認識不同的人、互相分享自己的故事。
社 團經驗: Hsinchu Toastmasters Club. 交通大學羽球隊。
雖然我們都是“志工”,但這兩個 字,在每個人的心中各有不同的定位。有人當志工是為了拓展視野,有人當志工是為了體驗不一樣的生活。而我,在當志工的過程中找到單純的快樂。志工毋須互相 競爭、服務時不用複雜的社交技巧,且能認識各式各樣的人,不論是同團的夥伴或是被服務的對象。 我們是志工! 我們可以讓世界更好!
Name: Shuman Huang
Department: Information and Finance Management, Sophomore
Hobbies: Listening to music and learning new things. I enjoy meeting new friends and sharing experiences with each other.
Activities: Hsinchu Toastmasters Club. NCTU badminton team.
My opinion toward volunteering: “Volunteer” is a simple title for a huge category. Everyone has his own reasons to be a volunteer. The reasons could be either big or small. For me, the reason to be a volunteer is short: I enjoy it! Volunteering is a good opportunity to learn, to meet people, and to give without complex social techniques or any prejudices. I like this simple feeling and I like to see people’s happy faces. The more happy faces we see, the better the world is.
Introdution to volunteers~ Chu-chu
我從國中一年級便 開始從事志工的工作,志願性的服務並不總是付出,我更在其中與合作的團隊學習到許多經驗、課本上學不來的人情世故,遇到各式各樣不同的人。很感謝這次有機 會能到印尼,希望能在印尼的小朋友、夥伴身上學習到在台灣少有的特質,這將會是很棒的經驗。
當啟程的日子接近,我開始 擔心自己是否能在印尼有個好的經驗,當地的瘧疾、A型肝炎等疾病都使我擔憂,而我最擔憂的是,我們將要帶去的教材是否適合當地,我們的一切努力是否是徒勞 無功。
Name: Wang wan-ting(chu chu)
Major: department of Humanities and Social Sciences, sophomore
Hobbies: read romantic novel, Japanese soap opera, to find something delicious
I have been a volunteer for about 8 years since my junior year. For me, a volunteer is not only paying , but I learn much more experiences from the team I join in. It’s great to Indonesia. I hope I can make a good friend here, meet someone character rarely in Taiwan . Wish me have a good travel in beautiful Indonesia! The day we set out on a journey approaching, I become worried about that I can have a good experience in Indonesia. Because of the diseases such as malaria and hepatitis. However, I most worried about the matters for teaching will not suit locals. We may work in vain. What do you need, Indonesia friends?
Introduction to volunteers~ Shierly
Name : Shierly Tanizar
Nationality : Indonesian
Hobby : Traveling , Diving
My name is Shierly. I am now pursuing my 3rd year bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at NCTU. Taiwan has become my second home after Indonesia .I love Taiwan and would like to stay longer in Taiwan if I get opportunity .
I like to join humanitarian activity to broaden my social life , cooperate with a team ,getting in touch with different people. Joining the NCTU International volunteer team is quite an enriching experience for me .The warm and enthusiastic atmosphere of the volunteer team have made big difference in my life .
Learning about Indonesian Orang-utan, studying these fascinating creatures in the wild, trekking and camping out in the forest, mixing with international volunteers and working alongside passionate conservationists. Exploring some of the most magnificent rainforest habitat on earth is the most amazing experience for me. Let’s go NCTU VOLUNTEER TEAM
2010年7月9日 星期五
志工感想:一個人的力量也是力量,但是很多人的力量聚集在一起就足以改變世界!讓我們一起為這個獨一無二的地球做努力吧! 加油! =)
Name: Winnie Woo
Department: Electronics Engineering, class of 2012
Hobbies: Listening to music, Singing (especially in shower), Swimming, Learning new languages, Daydreaming
Activities: Orchestra, Choir, NCTU Swimming Team
Reflection as a volunteer:One's effort woudl be a powerful momentun in spite of the fact that there is just one person. If we can gather everyone's efforts and power together, we can even CHABGE the world! Let's start from now on and devoted ourself to the unique and special world together. GO!