2010年7月21日 星期三

Introduction to volunteers~ Ivy

興趣:啖 美食、旅遊、羽球、閱覽DM、聽廣播
志工感想:能夠再度前往印尼真是 令我開心,但是深入雨林的挑戰不容易,一整學期的準備也很不容易@@”。希望在行前課程培訓跟教案籌劃的過程中,也期待前往印尼的營期中,跟團隊夥伴們一 起施展成效、創造美好革命情感
Name:Ivy, Teng

Major:Foreign Language and Literature

Hobby:Tasting delicacies, travelling, Badminton, browsing DM, listening to the radio

Club Experience:NCTU Folkdance Club, Youth Leadership Club
Want to say:I’m really excited to be able to go to Indonesia again. This time, however, is more challenging since we’re heading into the rain forest; and a whole-semester training is uneasy as well.@@” I hope I and my team members can contribute our best and cultivate a revolutionary friendship together during the preparation as well as the period in Indonesia!

