2010年7月21日 星期三

Introduction to volunteers~ Shuman

姓名: 黃舒縵

系級: 資訊與財金管理學系 大二

興趣: 聽音樂、學習新事物。喜歡認識不同的人、互相分享自己的故事。

社 團經驗: Hsinchu Toastmasters Club. 交通大學羽球隊。

雖然我們都是“志工”,但這兩個 字,在每個人的心中各有不同的定位。有人當志工是為了拓展視野,有人當志工是為了體驗不一樣的生活。而我,在當志工的過程中找到單純的快樂。志工毋須互相 競爭、服務時不用複雜的社交技巧,且能認識各式各樣的人,不論是同團的夥伴或是被服務的對象。 我們是志工! 我們可以讓世界更好!

Name: Shuman Huang

Department: Information and Finance Management, Sophomore

Hobbies: Listening to music and learning new things. I enjoy meeting new friends and sharing experiences with each other.

Activities: Hsinchu Toastmasters Club. NCTU badminton team.

My opinion toward volunteering: “Volunteer” is a simple title for a huge category. Everyone has his own reasons to be a volunteer. The reasons could be either big or small. For me, the reason to be a volunteer is short: I enjoy it! Volunteering is a good opportunity to learn, to meet people, and to give without complex social techniques or any prejudices. I like this simple feeling and I like to see people’s happy faces. The more happy faces we see, the better the world is.

